Once you have an account with us, and your phone system has been built, onboarding new staff is easy.
Standard response targets for support tickets apply.
Step 1 - Gather Requirements
Gather requirements and information about the client and their new staff member, from the client.
- Staff member full name
- Staff member email address
- Client's business address
- The desired geographical location for their new phone number (you can download a PDF list of locations by clicking the link below the article)
- If number porting is required*
* If porting is required, please kick this process off separately. See Phone Number Porting for BPOs for more information.
Step 2 - Make the Request
Send an email to support@yamo.com.au with the following information. Copy/paste the following to speed up the process.
Subject: New BPO Phone System Extension
Full name:
Email address:
Phone number geographical location:
Client's business address:
Step 3 - User Account Creation
Yamo's support team will create the account and send a welcome email to the user. The user can follow the instructions in their welcome email to get started. For more information on using 3CX, please view the 3CX user manual.
Step 4 - Billing
Yamo will create prorated charges for the remainder of the current billing cycle for the new user. On your next bill, you will see these prorated charges, plus standard monthly charges for the new user.