Support Centre

How to add Microsoft 365 Shared Contacts (Global Address List) to Microsoft Teams

Mark Harris

Customers can use the Microsoft 365 Global Address List to manage all of their shared contacts (Suppliers, Customers etc.) in the one place. By default, these do not show up in Microsoft Teams.

To add global contacts to Microsoft Teams, each user must add them from the Global Address List to their personal contacts in Outlook.

IMPORTANT: Phone numbers in the Global Address List must be in E164 format in order for contact matching to work on inbound calls. E.g. +61290836690

Step 1 -

Open the Outlook application and clicks the People icon in the bottom-left of their screen.image-20210928-063240.png

Step 2 -

Click the Address Book button in the top ribbon or press Ctrl + Shift + B on your keyboard.image-20210928-063442.png

Step 3 -

In the Address Book dropdown menu, select the desired Global Address List.

Left-click the first contact in the list, then hold Shift, and left click the last contact in the list to select all contacts.

With all contacts selected, right click on one of the contacts and click Add to Contacts.Inkedimage-20210928-070448_LI.jpg

Step 4 -

Close and re-open Microsoft Teams to make the contacts show up.
You may need to wait some time before contacts show up in Teams.mceclip1.png

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